The Justice Department announced Friday that it will monitor voting rights laws on election day, Nov. 5, in Detroit, Warren, Ann Arbor and Hamtramck.
The DOJ said it regularly deploys staff on election day to monitor compliance with federal civil rights laws in elections in communities all across the country.
The Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division will coordinate the effort. Monitors will include
Justice Department personnel, who will contact state and local election officials as needed
throughout Election Day, a press release says.
The Justice Department tasks will include making sure people with disabilities have access to vote and taking action against voter intimidation and supression.
On Election Day, the Civil Rights Division will be available for questions and complaints through the department's website or by calling 800-253-3931.
The U.S. Attorney’s Office in Detroit will also be available to receive complaints on Election Day at 313-226-9168.
Additionally, the FBI will have special agents available in each field office and resident
agency throughout the state to receive allegations of election fraud and other election abuses
on Election Day. The local FBI field office can be reached by calling 313-965-2323.